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Dr Scott Charlesworth graduated in Medicine from Monash University in 1996. After 4 years of hospital work in Melbourne and the U.K. he commenced training as a Specialist Anaesthetist at St. Vincents Hospital in Melbourne. His 5 year postgraduate Specialist Anaesthetist training was completed at: St. Vincents Hospital, The Royal Victorian Eye and Ear Hospital, Box Hill Hospital, The Alfred, Mercy Hospital for Women and a full year as Fellow at the Royal Childrens Hospital Melbourne in Paediatric Anaesthesia and Neonatal Intensive Care. In 2006, Dr Charlesworth joined Canterbury Anaesthetic Services and regularly works at a number of private hospitals including Cabrini, Epworth Eastern, The Avenue, St Vincents East Melbourne, Waverly and Mitcham private hospitals, as well as working as a Consultant Anaesthetist at Box Hill Hospital. He is a Fellow of the Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists (ANZCA), a member of the Australian Society of Anaesthetists (ASA), and participates in ‘Continuing Professional Development Program’.


His special interests include anaesthesia for Orthopaedic, ENT(including Paediatric), Ophthalmic, Urology(including robotic), Obstetric & gynaecological, Thoracic and general surgery.


M.B. B.S. 1996, FANZCA 2005